Grant Elementary Junior Girl Scouts Earn Badge at PGT
Last Sunday 6 junior girl scouts from Grant Elementary School in Columbia earned their Earth Connections badge with a visit to the Prairie Garden Trust. They ventured through the prairie and explored...
View ArticleFun at the PGT Wildflower Walk
About 30 people explored the Prairie Garden Trust this morning on the first Wildflower Walk. Tim Smith, former botanist and current ombudsman at the Conservation Department, led the group through...
View ArticleSeeking Horticulturist for the PGT
We’re eager to fill a new position for a horticulturist at the Prairie Garden Trust. Here’s the job announcement if you’re interested or know of someone who might be: Horticulturist Prairie Garden...
View ArticleSign up for Spring Birdwalk 2013!
The PGT spring birdwalk is scheduled for Saturday April 27, 2013. Ornithologist Jim D. Wilson agreed to lead us once again starting at 7 a.m. It’s free and fun. Sign up if you’d like to join us by...
View ArticleWildflower Walk Saturday June 1 at the PGT
Spring blooms have just begun but we’re already planning ahead for our annual wildflower walk in late spring. Expert botanists George and Kay Yatskievych will lead the walk on Saturday June 1, 2013....
View ArticleTurkey Nest Full of Eggs
This morning I took a walk through a valley and up a wooded hillside next to the Prairie Garden Trust. Suddenly a hen turkey walked quickly ahead and away. Sam the yellow lab followed her, but I...
View ArticlePGT Visitors on Magnificent Days
The past two days brought the most perfect, sunny, comfortable weather I’ve ever seen for a Missouri June. So we were incredibly fortunate to also have three groups visiting the PGT then. On Friday...
View ArticleGolden Light in the Morning
Beaver Lake Woods The light in the open woods near Beaver Lake was magical this morning. Henry was out with his camera and caught it. We’re planning to put a paved trail from the visitor center to...
View ArticleNew Walk along the Lilies
Thanks to the design of Jen Sieradzki, horticulturist for the PGT, a new path is in the works at the Lotus Pond area. Plants will be added in September, but last week big progress was made when David...
View ArticleRed Milk Snake Rarely Seen
Yesterday was only the second time in over 30 years of living here that I’ve seen a red milk snake in the wild. (I did keep a couple for a few months in 1986 to make a movie about Missouri snakes for...
View ArticleNew Valley Overlook – Place to Pause
I could sit in this spot at the edge of the savanna bluffs at the PGT forever. Listening to the tanager and wood thrush, watching for herons, enjoying whatever flowers or trees happen to be in bloom…....
View ArticleWild Black Raspberries…for the birds?
How do you know when the wild black raspberries are ripe? A short walk at the PGT makes it obvious. I’m not sure which bird(s) perched here, but clearly we’re not the only ones who think the new...
View ArticleMonarchs on PGT Asters
Monarch butterflies paused on their flight south for a nectar break on our fall-blooming asters. The purple New England Aster stands out in the patches of prairie plants this time of year. But the...
View ArticleNew Display Helps You Explore
We just put up the new map display on the porch at the PGT Center, along with the map brochures. In a few weeks we hope to install the new wayfinding signs along the trails, too. Then it should be even...
View ArticleBluebells Along Spring Streams
Bluebells bloom today along the stream flowing with recent rains. It’s so welcome to see their color against the fresh April green suddenly emerging everywhere.
View ArticleSunny Wildflower Walk
Botanist Tim Smith shared stories of flowers and trees on a beautiful morning with about 40 visitors walking the PGT on May 27. We split into two groups (Henry Domke led the other one) to visit the...
View ArticleWildflower Walk Saturday May 19, 2018
Just a reminder that Spring Wildflower Walk begins at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at the Prairie Garden Trust visitor center. Tim Smith, former botanist and ombudsman at the Missouri Department of...
View ArticleSee Monarchs, Swallowtails and more!
The PGT Butterfly Walk begins at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, 2018 at the Prairie Garden Trust visitor center. We’ll stroll around the paved and mowed trails for about 2 hours, but you can make it as long...
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